I think this proposal has the risk of swallowing too many errors making
code hard to debug and would therefore suggest this shouldn’t be added to
the language. Silent errors are hard to find the origin and cause for
especially if you throw away the error message.

This might be slightly off topic but, I think we should instead wait for
proper pattern matching and include a Result type similar to Scala Option
or Haskell Either that is falsy in the Left error case (containing the
error message) and truthy otherwise.
2017年8月11日(金) 10:17 Hikaru Nakashima <oao.hikaru....@gmail.com>:

> I think this idea is useful in async function.
> For exsample, we write codes as below, when we use fetch()  in async
> function.
> ```js
> let res, text
> try {
>     res = await fetch( url )
> } catch ( err ) { console.log( 'network error' ) }
> if ( ! res.ok ) console.log( 'server error' )
> else text = await res.text( )
> ```
> or
> ```js
> let res, text
> res = await fetch( url ).catch( err => null )
> if ( ! res ) console.log( 'network error' )
> else if ( ! res.ok ) console.log( 'server error' )
> else text = await res.text( )
> ```
> but, we can write as below  if we use this proposal.
> ```js
> let res, text
> res = try await fetch( url )
> if ( ! res ) console.log( 'network error' )
> else if ( ! res.ok ) console.log( 'server error' )
> else text = await res.text( )
> ```
> or do we need another syntax like "await?" ?
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