there are several factors for the current javascript-fatigue.  one factor which 
tc39 could help mitigate is to provide a narrative on how to consistently apply 
proposed language-features (over existing-practices and interfacing with 

i feel too many new and old javascript-programmers alike are unable to adopt a 
consistent programming-style for post-es5 features in production-code.  
style-issues which are problematic when a project has to deal with legacy 
libraries include:

- when is it appropriate to use callback vs promise vs async-generator vs 
async/await, when interfacing with legacy-code (aka context-switching-hell or 
- when is it appropriate to use var vs let, when interfacing with legacy-code?
- when is it appropriate to use function vs fat-arrow, when interfacing with 
- how can we apply destructuring in a consistent and readable manner?
- when is it appropriate to use (proposed) pipeline-operator, and when is it 

es6/es7/es8 introduces hundreds of these kinds of questions which distract us 
from actual coding and shipping features.
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