oldie but goldie ?

    configurable: true,
    value(...args) {
      return new this(...args);

On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 11:28 AM, Oriol _ <oriol-bugzi...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> > Why can't `new` be optional?
> When you call a function, you are using the internal [[Call]] method. When
> you use the `new` operator, it's the internal [[Construct]] method.
> They are different things, so IMO avoiding `new` when you are
> instantiating is bad practice.
> But if you really want to avoid `new` when using ES6 `class` syntax, you
> can use proxies, e.g.
> ```js
> let MyClass = new Proxy(class MyClass {
>   constructor(arg) { this.arg = arg; }
> }, {
>   apply: (target, thisArg, args) => Reflect.construct(target, args)
> });
> MyClass(1); // { arg: 1 }
> new MyClass(2); // { arg: 2 }
> ```
> --Oriol
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