On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 8:45 AM, Raul-Sebastian Mihăilă <
raul.miha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I wrote a first draft of the spec for the proposal...

Could you add a "Motivations" section outlining why this is needed and what
alternatives currently exist without new syntax?

Separately, without yet having delved into the details, various parts of
the "without mixins" code look suspect, for example:

const isSafeMove = mix.isSafeMove = boardMixin.isSafeMove(mix);

That *calls* the `boardMixin.isSafeMove` function, passing it the `mix`
constant, and assigns its return value to `mix.isSafeMove` and a new
constant `isSafeMove` (which confusingly doesn't seem to be used anywhere).
Should it really be *calling* the function? Not binding or something?

-- T.J. Crowder
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