> This led down a long, rambling path [1] where I then realized:  if the 
> callback function is a pure function, then for the purposes of that callback, 
> the arguments probably do not need to be wrapped in proxies at all.  The big 
> catch is that the callback can't store any of the arguments in variables 
> external to the callback (a classic side effect).  If the function really is 
> pure, though, I can avoid the memory leak.

users generally should not be encouraged to micro-manage/optimize the gc in 
javascript (javascript is not c). that is the responsibility of 
engine-implementers. making users think they can outsmart the gc (which they 
don't) will only encourage them to waste time writing “high-performance” code 
that is bike-shedding at best and tech-debt at worst (and my suspicion is 
membrane/proxy will suffer either of those fates with this feature).

> On Dec 8, 2017, at 2:22 AM, Mike Samuel <mikesam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Alex Vincent <ajvinc...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:ajvinc...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> > OK, OK, clearly, pure functions are a fantasy in JavaScript.  Once again, a
> > great idea and a lengthy essay of a post falls to a real-world situation.
> > Nuts.
> >
> > What if there's a middle ground?  In the case I was originally talking
> > about, the developer calling on my membrane controls how the callback
> > function executes.  I just want to ensure that, when the callback is passed
> > controlled and trusted arguments (including possibly "this"), the function
> > doesn't refer to anything outside those arguments and local variables
> > derived from them.  Is that reasonable to ask for?
> Do you want the same kind of thing that Joe-E provides for Java?
> http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/papers/pure-ccs08.pdf 
> <http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/papers/pure-ccs08.pdf>
> > Proving that particular methods within a code base are functionally
> > pure—deterministic and side-effect free—would aid verification of
> > security properties including function invertibility, reproducibility of
> > computation, and safety of untrusted code execution. Until now it
> > has not been possible to automatically prove a method is functionally
> > pure within a high-level imperative language in wide use, such as Java. 
> Nothing that is well established really fits for JS, but there are some
> proposals and experimental features.
> The frozen realms proposal <https://github.com/tc39/proposal-frozen-realms> 
> might also be of interest.
> > Though initially separate, realms can be brought into intimate
> > contact with each other via host-provided APIs.
> In a browser setting, WebAssembly 
> <http://webassembly.org/docs/js/#webassemblyinstance-constructor> might be 
> your best bet.
> WebAssembly.instantiate(module,importsObj) runs a sandboxed binary
> that has access to functions and values in an importsObject, and
> takes care to prevent following backwards edges in the object graph
> (__proto__, .constructor and the like).
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