I created a thread about static constructors a while ago here: 
 It left me with some design thoughts so I wrote up the following proposal idea 
below, but never posted it because I couldn't understand why the current Stage 
3 private proposal introduced a new token '#'. Maybe I missed something obvious 
in the design of the grammar or the way the internals work, but I didn't 
understand. Also I didn't understand why it does this.#x which seems verbose 
since every language with private members doesn't introduce this clutter. (It's 
like writing private everywhere you use it rather than one place which can't 
really be the simplest implementation right?).


In the above proposal above I stuck with 'private' and 'static' keywords since 
it seems closer to other languages. Also I kept with the idea that default 
behavior is public to not introduce breaking changes. Can someone explain why 
ECMAScript can't use something like I proposed?
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