I’d like to ask for feedback/criticism on a detailed explainer and 
specification for Smart Pipelines plus several possible extensions.

Readme explainer: https://github.com/js-choi/proposal-smart-pipelines/
Formal spec: https://jschoi.org/18/es-smart-pipelines/spec.
There is a simple “actual” Core Proposal at Stage 0 championed by Daniel 
Ehrenberg, plus several optional Additional Features that extend the Core 
Proposal and address several other use cases. Daniel will present the Core 
Proposal at the next TC39 meeting, in several weeks at London.

The Core Proposal is a variant of the first pipeline-operator proposal also 
championed by Ehrenberg; this variant is listed as Proposal 4: Smart Mix in the 
pipe-proposal wiki. The variant resulted from previous discussions in the 
previous pipeline-operator proposal, discussions which culminated in an 
invitation by Ehrenberg to try writing a specification draft. A prototype Babel 
plugin is also being written. 

I should stress that the Additional Features are separate, optional and 
mutually independent add-on proposals. The Additional Features show the 
potential of simply extending the Core Proposal to handle other use cases (such 
as composition, partial application, and method extraction). And I’ve attempted 
to keep the Core Proposal forward compatible with all of the additional 

If you have any questions after reading the explainer and specification, please 
feel free to file an issue on the GitHub issue tracker. When you file an issue, 
please note in it that you are talking specifically about“Proposal 4: Smart 
Mix”. Or leave a comment here. 

Warm regards, J. S. Choi

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