On 2018-03-19 14:34, Mike Samuel wrote:
How does the transform you propose differ from?

JSON.canonicalize = (x) => JSON.stringify(
     (_, x) => {
       if (x && typeof x === 'object' && !Array.isArray(x)) {
         const sorted = {}
         for (let key of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(x).sort()) {
           sorted[key] = x[key]
         return sorted
       return x

Probably not all.  You are the JS guru, not me :-)

The proposal says "in lexical (alphabetical) order."
If "lexical order" differs from the lexicographic order that sort uses, then
the above could be adjusted to pass a comparator function.

I hope (and believe) that this is just a terminology problem.

Applied to your example input,

     "escaping": "\u20ac$\u000F\u000aA'\u0042\u0022\u005c\\\"\/",
     "other":  [null, true, false],
     "numbers": [1E30, 4.50, 6, 2e-3, 0.000000000000000000000000001]
   }) ===
// proposed 

The canonicalized example from section 3.2.3 seems to conflict with the text of 

If you look a under the result you will find a pretty sad explanation:

        "Note: \u20ac denotes the Euro character, which not
         being ASCII, is currently not displayable in RFCs"

After 30 years with RFCs, we can still only use ASCII :-( :-(



If the Unicode value is outside of the ASCII control character range, it MUST be serialized 
"as is" unless it is equivalent to 0x005c (\) or 0x0022 (") which MUST be serialized 
as \\ and \" respectively.

So I think the "\u20ac" should actually be "€" and the implementation above 
matches your proposal.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 3:16 AM, Anders Rundgren <anders.rundgren....@gmail.com 
<mailto:anders.rundgren....@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Dear List,

    Here is a proposal that I would be very happy getting feedback on since it 
builds on ES but is not (at all) limited to ES.

    The request is for a complement to the ES "JSON" object called 
canonicalize() which would have identical parameters to the existing stringify() method.

    The JSON canonicalization scheme (including ES code for emulating it), is 
described in:

    Current workspace: https://github.com/cyberphone/json-canonicalization 

    Anders Rundgren
    es-discuss mailing list
    es-discuss@mozilla.org <mailto:es-discuss@mozilla.org>

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