I've got a proposal that kind of attacks this from a different angle:

- https://github.com/isiahmeadows/lifted-pipeline-strawman

It targets streams, but it can also work with iterables/iterators. In
fact, combining functionality that could be exposed to streams and
iterators identically was one of the driving reasons I formulated the
proposal how it is.


Isiah Meadows

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On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 4:55 PM, Pranay Prakash <pranay...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A buddy of mine has actually been working on implementing array
> producers/consumers as a library, and I think that's a good solution. i.e.
> iterators are a nice native addition that can power functionality like this
> in userland, and library authors can create libraries to make it easier to
> use in userland.
> A quick google search shows me that there are existing libraries that do
> this (https://fitzgen.github.io/wu.js/) and what my friend is working on
> implements a `collect` method which sounds like the `start` method you
> mentioned.
> Shameless plug: In the meanwhile, I've been working on a library too that,
> amongst other things, gives you lazy evaluated list transformations. I'll be
> talking about it at https://zeit.co/day :)
> Cheers,
> Pranay
> On Mon, 16 Apr 2018 at 15:42 Sebastian Malton <sebast...@malton.name> wrote:
>> With the ability to create iterators and convert other objects to them.
>> Would it not make sense for them to implement most of the array style
>> functions. These would execute lazily and only start once a call to `start`
>> happens. (A new function as well).
>> Sebastian Malton
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