Well, if we really want to delve into linguistics, it's more the opposite of 
what you're describing: Tons of languages have grammatical features that make 
English one of the most nondescriptive and ambiguous languages out there: 
Grammatical cases and gender, a wider variety of tenses, moods, grammatical 
numbers far beyond just singular and plural…

Anyway, back to the point: ES is a language where primarily due to browsers, 
you are often constrained to a certain syntax. It's hence often preferable if 
certain features can be introduced without introducing new syntax, or else 
you're forcing transpilers upon developers*, or you're breaking websites whose 
developers didn't even realize that older browsers can't parse the syntax for 
feature X. It might take years before you can safely assume that the majority 
of browsers supports X.

Therefore, while we do appreciate all kinds of ideas, at the very least you 
should explain why the current way to achieve the very same thing is inferior 
to your proposed solution and how introducing a new syntax might be 

* If the feature can even be transpiled. For lack of a better example: You can 
not really transpile ES2015's `Proxy` to ES5 in a reasonable way.

On Saturday, May 12, 2018 7:58:12 AM CEST Abdul Shabazz wrote:
> And, as an aside, i take umbrage with contributors whom require us to
> explain why a suggestion or a proposal is useful: Just because something
> can be done one way -- does not mean its the only way it should be done, if
> our goal in javascript is flexibility/versatility: The english language is
> complex because there are so many synonyms for the same word. But this is
> also why our language is the most concrete expressive; whereas languages
> like latin spanish or italian use the same word to express many things but
> the listener must interpret the speaker's tone in order to derive correct
> meaning. English may be dying language but it is the language of the
> machine.

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