This particular `escapeHtml` implementation is limited to replacing single
characters, but if you wanted to escape any characters that can be
represented using a named character reference, you’re gonna need something
more generic, as some named character references expand to multiple
characters. That‘s what I was referring to earlier.

On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 12:27 PM, kai zhu <> wrote:

> sorry, there was a bug in the standalone-solution i last posted. here’s
> corrected version ^^;;;
> also highlighted in blue, the escapeHTML part of code relevant to this
> discussion.  and honestly, replacing those 6 blue-lines-of-code in this
> real-world example, with the proposed map-replace doesn’t make much of a
> difference in terms of overall readability/maintainability.
> ```js
> /*
>  * example.js
>  *
>  * this zero-dependency, standalone program will render mustache-based
> html-templates,
>  * with the given dictionary, and print it to stdout
>  * code derived from
> node-utility2/blob/2018.1.13/lib.utility2.js#L5922
>  * example usage:
> $ node example.js <template> <json-dictionary>
> $ node example.js '<pre>
> JSON.stringify("<b>hello world!</b>".toUpperCase()))=
> {{ toUpperCase jsonStringify}}
> </pre>
> <ul>
> {{#each myList}}
> {{#if href}}
> <li id="{{href encodeURIComponent}}">
>     <a href="{{href}}">
>     {{#if description}}
>     {{description notHtmlSafe}}
>     {{#unless description}}
>     no description
>     {{/if description}}
>     </a>
> </li>
> {{/if href}}
> {{/each myList}}
> </ul>' '{
>     "hello": {
>         "world": "<b>hello world!</b>"
>     },
>     "myList": [
>         null,
>         {
>             "href": "";,
>             "description": "<b>click here!</b>"
>         },
>         {
>             "href": "";
>         }
>     ]
> }'
>  * example output:
> <pre>
> JSON.stringify("<b>hello world!</b>".toUpperCase()))=
> &quot;&lt;B&gt;HELLO WORLD!&lt;/B&gt;&quot;
> </pre>
> <ul>
> <li id="">
>     <a href="";>
>     <b>click here!</b>
>     </a>
> </li>
> <li id="">
>     <a href="";>
>     no description
>     </a>
> </li>
> </ul>
>  */
> /*jslint
>     node: true,
>     regexp: true
> */
> 'use strict';
> var templateRender;
> templateRender = function (template, dict, options) {
> /*
>  * this function will render the template with the given dict
>  */
>     var argList, getValue, match, renderPartial, rgx, tryCatch, skip,
> value;
>     dict = dict || {};
>     options = options || {};
>     getValue = function (key) {
>         argList = key.split(' ');
>         value = dict;
>         if (argList[0] === '#this/') {
>             return;
>         }
>         // iteratively lookup nested values in the dict
>         argList[0].split('.').forEach(function (key) {
>             value = value && value[key];
>         });
>         return value;
>     };
>     renderPartial = function (match0, helper, key, partial) {
>         switch (helper) {
>         case 'each':
>         case 'eachTrimRightComma':
>             value = getValue(key);
>             value = Array.isArray(value)
>                 ? (dict) {
>                     // recurse with partial
>                     return templateRender(partial, dict, options);
>                 }).join('')
>                 : '';
>             // remove trailing-comma from last element
>             if (helper === 'eachTrimRightComma') {
>                 value = value.trimRight().replace((/,$/), '');
>             }
>             return value;
>         case 'if':
>             partial = partial.split('{{#unless ' + key + '}}');
>             partial = getValue(key)
>                 ? partial[0]
>                 // handle 'unless' case
>                 : partial.slice(1).join('{{#unless ' + key + '}}');
>             // recurse with partial
>             return templateRender(partial, dict, options);
>         case 'unless':
>             return getValue(key)
>                 ? ''
>                 // recurse with partial
>                 : templateRender(partial, dict, options);
>         default:
>             // recurse with partial
>             return match0[0] + templateRender(match0.slice(1), dict,
> options);
>         }
>     };
>     tryCatch = function (fnc, message) {
>     /*
>      * this function will prepend the message to errorCaught
>      */
>         try {
>             return fnc();
>         } catch (errorCaught) {
>             errorCaught.message = message + errorCaught.message;
>             throw errorCaught;
>         }
>     };
>     // render partials
>     rgx = (/\{\{#(\w+) ([^}]+?)\}\}/g);
>     template = template || '';
>     for (match = rgx.exec(template); match; match = rgx.exec(template)) {
>         rgx.lastIndex += 1 - match[0].length;
>         template = template.replace(
>             new RegExp('\\{\\{#(' + match[1] + ') (' + match[2] +
>                 ')\\}\\}([\\S\\s]*?)\\{\\{/' + match[1] + ' ' + match[2] +
>                 '\\}\\}'),
>             renderPartial
>         );
>     }
>     // search for keys in the template
>     return template.replace((/\{\{[^}]+?\}\}/g), function (match0) {
>         var notHtmlSafe;
>         notHtmlSafe = options.notHtmlSafe;
>         return tryCatch(function () {
>             getValue(match0.slice(2, -2));
>             if (value === undefined) {
>                 return match0;
>             }
>             argList.slice(1).forEach(function (arg0, ii, list) {
>                 switch (arg0) {
>                 case 'alphanumeric':
>                     value = value.replace((/\W/g), '_');
>                     break;
>                 case 'decodeURIComponent':
>                     value = decodeURIComponent(value);
>                     break;
>                 case 'encodeURIComponent':
>                     value = encodeURIComponent(value);
>                     break;
>                 case 'jsonStringify':
>                     value = JSON.stringify(value);
>                     break;
>                 case 'jsonStringify4':
>                     value = JSON.stringify(value, null, 4);
>                     break;
>                 case 'notHtmlSafe':
>                     notHtmlSafe = true;
>                     break;
>                 case 'truncate':
>                     skip = ii + 1;
>                     if (value.length > list[skip]) {
>                         value = value.slice(0, list[skip] - 3).trimRight()
> + '...';
>                     }
>                     break;
>                 // default to String.prototype[arg0]()
>                 default:
>                     if (ii === skip) {
>                         break;
>                     }
>                     value = value[arg0]();
>                     break;
>                 }
>             });
>             value = String(value);
>             // default to htmlSafe
>             if (!notHtmlSafe) {
>                 value = value
>                     .replace((/"/g), '&quot;')
>                     .replace((/&/g), '&amp;')
>                     .replace((/'/g), '&apos;')
>                     .replace((/</g), '&lt;')
>                     .replace((/>/g), '&gt;')
>                     .replace((/&amp;(amp;|apos;|gt;|lt;|quot;)/ig),
> '&$1');
>             }
>             return value;
>         }, 'templateRender could not render expression ' +
> JSON.stringify(match0) + '\n');
>     });
> };
> console.log(templateRender(process.argv[2], JSON.parse(process.argv[3])));
> ```
> kai zhu
> On 20 May 2018, at 10:01 PM, kai zhu <> wrote:
> @Kai
> Have you ever tried writing an HTML template system on the front end? This
> *will* almost inevitably come up, and most of my use cases for this is on
> the front end itself handling various scenarios.
> i have.  if we want to move from toy-cases to real-world frontend-examples
> [1] [2] [3], here's a zero-dependency, mustache-based template-system in
> under 110 sloc, which i've been using for the past 5 years.  and the trick
> to simplify rendering-of-partials, is to recurse them inside string.replace
> (see the red-highlighted sections of code).
> [1] standalone, static-function templateRender
> lib.utility2.js#L5922
> [2] test-cases showing capabilities of templateRender
> [3] live website rendered using templateRender
> <!swgg_id__2Fpay_2Fcloseorder_20POST_1>
> <Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 9.13.17 PM copy.jpg>
> ```js
> /*
>  * example.js
>  *
>  * this zero-dependency, standalone program will render mustache-based
> html-templates,
>  * with the given dictionary, and print it to stdout
>  * code derived from
> 2018.1.13/lib.utility2.js#L5922
>  * example usage:
> $ node example.js <template> <json-dictionary>
> $ node example.js '<pre>
> JSON.stringify("<b>hello world!</b>".toUpperCase()))=
> {{ toUpperCase jsonStringify}}
> </pre>
> <ul>
> {{#each myList}}
> {{#if href}}
> <li id="{{href encodeURIComponent}}">
>     <a href="{{href}}">
>     {{#if description}}
>     {{description notHtmlSafe}}
>     {{#unless description}}
>     no description
>     {{/if description}}
>     </a>
> </li>
> {{/if href}}
> {{/each myList}}
> </ul>' '{
>     "hello": {
>         "world": "<b>hello world!</b>"
>     },
>     "myList": [
>         null,
>         {
>             "href": "";,
>             "description": "<b>click here!</b>"
>         },
>         {
>             "href": "";
>         }
>     ]
> }'
>  * example output:
> <pre>
> JSON.stringify("<b>hello world!</b>".toUpperCase()))=
> &quot;&lt;B&gt;HELLO WORLD!&lt;/B&gt;&quot;
> </pre>
> <ul>
> <li id=" <>%2F1">
>     <a href="";>
>     <b>click here!</b>
>     </a>
> </li>
> <li id=" <>%2F2">
>     <a href="";>
>     no description
>     </a>
> </li>
> </ul>
>  */
> /*jslint
>     node: true,
>     regexp: true
> */
> 'use strict';
> var templateRender;
> templateRender = function (template, dict, notHtmlSafe) {
> /*
>  * this function will render the template with the given dict
>  */
>     var argList, getValue, match, renderPartial, rgx, skip, value;
>     dict = dict || {};
>     getValue = function (key) {
>         argList = key.split(' ');
>         value = dict;
>         if (argList[0] === '#this/') {
>             return;
>         }
>         // iteratively lookup nested values in the dict
>         argList[0].split('.').forEach(function (key) {
>             value = value && value[key];
>         });
>         return value;
>     };
>     renderPartial = function (match0, helper, key, partial) {
>         switch (helper) {
>         case 'each':
>         case 'eachTrimRightComma':
>             value = getValue(key);
>             value = Array.isArray(value)
>                 ? (dict) {
>                     // recurse with partial
>                     return templateRender(partial, dict, notHtmlSafe);
>                 }).join('')
>                 : '';
>             // remove trailing-comma from last element
>             if (helper === 'eachTrimRightComma') {
>                 value = value.trimRight().replace((/,$/), '');
>             }
>             return value;
>         case 'if':
>             partial = partial.split('{{#unless ' + key + '}}');
>             partial = getValue(key)
>                 ? partial[0]
>                 // handle 'unless' case
>                 : partial.slice(1).join('{{#unless ' + key + '}}');
>             // recurse with partial
>             return templateRender(partial, dict, notHtmlSafe);
>         case 'unless':
>             return getValue(key)
>                 ? ''
>                 // recurse with partial
>                 : templateRender(partial, dict, notHtmlSafe);
>         default:
>             // recurse with partial
>             return match0[0] + templateRender(match0.slice(1), dict,
> notHtmlSafe);
>         }
>     };
>     // render partials
>     rgx = (/\{\{#(\w+) ([^}]+?)\}\}/g);
>     template = template || '';
>     for (match = rgx.exec(template); match; match = rgx.exec(template)) {
>         rgx.lastIndex += 1 - match[0].length;
>         template = template.replace(
>             new RegExp('\\{\\{#(' + match[1] + ') (' + match[2] +
>                 ')\\}\\}([\\S\\s]*?)\\{\\{/' + match[1] + ' ' + match[2] +
>                 '\\}\\}'),
>             renderPartial
>         );
>     }
>     // search for keys in the template
>     return template.replace((/\{\{[^}]+?\}\}/g), function (match0) {
>         getValue(match0.slice(2, -2));
>         if (value === undefined) {
>             return match0;
>         }
>         argList.slice(1).forEach(function (arg0, ii, list) {
>             switch (arg0) {
>             case 'alphanumeric':
>                 value = value.replace((/\W/g), '_');
>                 break;
>             case 'decodeURIComponent':
>                 value = decodeURIComponent(value);
>                 break;
>             case 'encodeURIComponent':
>                 value = encodeURIComponent(value);
>                 break;
>             case 'jsonStringify':
>                 value = JSON.stringify(value);
>                 break;
>             case 'jsonStringify4':
>                 value = JSON.stringify(value, null, 4);
>                 break;
>             case 'notHtmlSafe':
>                 notHtmlSafe = true;
>                 break;
>             case 'truncate':
>                 skip = ii + 1;
>                 if (value.length > list[skip]) {
>                     value = value.slice(0, list[skip] - 3).trimRight() +
> '...';
>                 }
>                 break;
>             // default to String.prototype[arg0]()
>             default:
>                 if (ii === skip) {
>                     break;
>                 }
>                 value = value[arg0]();
>                 break;
>             }
>         });
>         value = String(value);
>         // default to htmlSafe
>         if (!notHtmlSafe) {
>             value = value
>                 .replace((/"/g), '&quot;')
>                 .replace((/&/g), '&amp;')
>                 .replace((/'/g), '&apos;')
>                 .replace((/</g), '&lt;')
>                 .replace((/>/g), '&gt;')
>                 .replace((/&amp;(amp;|apos;|gt;|lt;|quot;)/ig), '&$1');
>         }
>         return value;
>     });
> };
> console.log(templateRender(process.argv[2], JSON.parse(process.argv[3])));
> ```
> kai zhu
> On 20 May 2018, at 6:32 PM, Isiah Meadows <> wrote:
> @Mathias
> My partcular `escapeHTML` example *could* be written like that (and it
> *is* somewhat in the prose). But you're right that in the prose, I did
> bring up the potential for things like `str.replace({cheese: "cake", ham:
> "eggs"})`.
> @Kai
> Have you ever tried writing an HTML template system on the front end? This
> *will* almost inevitably come up, and most of my use cases for this is on
> the front end itself handling various scenarios.
> @Cyril
> And every single one of those patterns is going to need compiled and
> executed, and compiling and interpreting regular expressions is definitely
> not quick, especially when you can nest Kleene stars. (See:
> Implementations_and_running_times) That's why I'm against it - we don't
> need to complicate this proposal with that mess.
> -----
> Isiah Meadows
> On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 7:04 PM, Mathias Bynens <> wrote:
>> Hey Kai, you’re oversimplifying. Your solution works for a single Unicode
>> symbol (corresponding to a single code point) but falls apart as soon as
>> you need to match multiple symbols of possibly varying length, like in the
>> `escapeHtml` example.
>> On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 8:43 AM, kai zhu <> wrote:
>>> again, you backend-engineers are making something more complicated than
>>> needs be, when simple, throwaway glue-code will suffice.  agree with
>>> jordan, this feature is a needless cross-cut of String.prototype.replace.
>>> ```
>>> /*jslint
>>>     node: true
>>> */
>>> 'use strict';
>>> var dict;
>>> dict = {
>>>     '$': '^',
>>>     '1': '2',
>>>     '<': '&lt;',
>>>     '🍌': '🍑',
>>>     '-': '_',
>>>     ']': '@'
>>> };
>>> // output: "test🍐🍑_^^[22@ &lt;foo>"
>>> console.log('test🍐🍌-$$[11] <foo>'.replace((/[\S\s]/gu), function
>>> (character) {
>>>     return dict.hasOwnProperty(character)
>>>         ? dict[character]
>>>         : character;
>>> }));
>>> ```
>>> kai zhu
>>> On 19 May 2018, at 4:08 PM, Cyril Auburtin <>
>>> wrote:
>>> You can also have a
>>> ```js
>>> var replacer = replacements => {
>>>   const re = new RegExp([k,_,escaped=k]) =>
>>> escaped).join('|'), 'gu');
>>>   const replaceMap = new Map(replacements);
>>>   return s => s.replace(re, w => replaceMap.get(w));
>>> }
>>> var replace = replacer([['$', '^', String.raw`\$`], ['1', '2'], ['<',
>>> '&lt;'], ['🍌', '🍑'], ['-', '_'], [']', '@', String.raw`\]`]]);
>>> replace('test🍐🍌-$$[11] <foo>') // "test🍐🍑_^^[22@ &lt;foo>"
>>> ```
>>> but it's quickly messy to work with escaping
>>> Le sam. 19 mai 2018 à 08:17, Isiah Meadows <> a
>>> écrit :
>>>> Here's what I'd prefer instead: overload `String.prototype.replace` to
>>>> take non-callable objects, as sugar for this:
>>>> ```js
>>>> const old = <>ll,
>>>> String.prototype.replace)
>>>> String.prototype.replace = function (regexp, object) {
>>>>     if (object == null && regexp != null && typeof regexp === "object")
>>>> {
>>>>         const re = new RegExp(
>>>>             Object.keys(regexp)
>>>>             .map(key => `${old(key, /[\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&')}`)
>>>>             .join("|")
>>>>         )
>>>>         return old(this, re, m => object[m])
>>>>     } else {
>>>>         return old(this, regexp, object)
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> ```
>>>> This would cover about 99% of my use for something like this, with
>>>> less runtime overhead (that of not needing to check for and
>>>> potentially match multiple regular expressions at runtime) and better
>>>> static analyzability (you only need to check it's an object literal or
>>>> constant frozen object, not that it's argument is the result of the
>>>> built-in `Map` call). It's exceptionally difficult to optimize for
>>>> this unless you know everything's a string, but most cases where I had
>>>> to pass a callback that wasn't super complex looked a lot like this:
>>>> ```js
>>>> // What I use:
>>>> function escapeHTML(str) {
>>>>     return str.replace(/["'&<>]/g, m => {
>>>>         switch (m) {
>>>>         case '"': return "&#34;"
>>>>         case "'": return "&#39;"
>>>>         case "&": return "&amp;"
>>>>         case "<": return "&lt;"
>>>>         case ">": return "&gt;"
>>>>         default: throw new TypeError("unreachable")
>>>>         }
>>>>     })
>>>> }
>>>> // What it could be
>>>> function escapeHTML(str) {
>>>>     return str.replace({
>>>>         '"': "&#34;",
>>>>         "'": "&#39;",
>>>>         "&": "&amp;",
>>>>         "<": "&lt;",
>>>>         ">": "&gt;",
>>>>     })
>>>> }
>>>> ```
>>>> And yes, this enables optimizations engines couldn't easily produce
>>>> otherwise. In this instance, an engine could find that the object is
>>>> static with only single-character entries, and it could replace the
>>>> call to a fast-path one that relies on a cheap lookup table instead
>>>> (Unicode replacement would be similar, except you'd need an extra
>>>> layer of indirection with astrals to avoid blowing up memory when
>>>> generating these tables):
>>>> ```js
>>>> // Original
>>>> function escapeHTML(str) {
>>>>     return str.replace({
>>>>         '"': "&#34;",
>>>>         "'": "&#39;",
>>>>         "&": "&amp;",
>>>>         "<": "&lt;",
>>>>         ">": "&gt;",
>>>>     })
>>>> }
>>>> // Not real JS, but think of it as how an engine might implement this.
>>>> The
>>>> // implementation of the runtime function `ReplaceWithLookupTable` is
>>>> omitted
>>>> // for brevity, but you could imagine how it could be implemented,
>>>> given the
>>>> // pseudo-TS signature:
>>>> //
>>>> // ```ts
>>>> // declare function %ReplaceWithLookupTable(
>>>> //     str: string,
>>>> //     table: string[]
>>>> // ): string
>>>> // ```
>>>> function escapeHTML(str) {
>>>>     static {
>>>>         // A zero-initialized array with 2^16 entries (U+0000-U+FFFF),
>>>> except
>>>>         // for the object's members. This takes up to about 70K per
>>>> instance,
>>>>         // but these are *far* more often called than created.
>>>>         const _lookup_escapeHTML = %calloc(65536)
>>>>         _lookup_escapeHTML[34] = "&#34;"
>>>>         _lookup_escapeHTML[38] = "&amp;"
>>>>         _lookup_escapeHTML[39] = "&#39;"
>>>>         _lookup_escapeHTML[60] = "&gt;"
>>>>         _lookup_escapeHTML[62] = "&lt;"
>>>>     }
>>>>     return %ReplaceWithLookupTable(str, _lookup_escapeHTML)
>>>> }
>>>> ```
>>>> Likewise, similar, but more restrained, optimizations could be
>>>> performed on objects with multibyte strings, since they can be reduced
>>>> to a simple search trie. (These can be built in even the general case
>>>> if the strings are large enough to merit it - small ropes are pretty
>>>> cheap to create.)
>>>> For what it's worth, there's precedent here in Ruby, which has support
>>>> for `Hash`es as `String#gsub` parameters which work similarly.
>>>> -----
>>>> Isiah Meadows
>>>> On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 1:01 PM, Logan Smyth <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >> It wouldn't necessarily break existing API, since
>>>> String.prototype.replace
>>>> >> currently accepts only RegExp or strings.
>>>> >
>>>> > Not quite accurate. It accepts anything with a `Symbol.replace`
>>>> property, or
>>>> > a string.
>>>> >
>>>> > Given that, what you're describing can be implemented as
>>>> > ```
>>>> > Map.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function(str) {
>>>> >   for(const [key, value] of this) {
>>>> >     str = str.replace(key, value);
>>>> >   }
>>>> >   return str;
>>>> > };
>>>> > ```
>>>> >
>>>> >> I don't know if the ECMAScript spec mandates preserving a particular
>>>> order
>>>> >> to a Map's elements.
>>>> >
>>>> > It does, so you're good there.
>>>> >
>>>> >> Detecting collisions between matching regular expressions or strings.
>>>> >
>>>> > I think this would be my primary concern, but no so much ordering as
>>>> > expectations. Like if you did
>>>> > ```
>>>> > "1".replace(new Map([
>>>> >   ['1', '2'],
>>>> >   ['2', '3],
>>>> > ]);
>>>> > ```
>>>> > is the result `2` or `3`? `3` seems surprising to me, at least in the
>>>> > general sense, because there was no `2` in the original input, but
>>>> it's also
>>>> > hard to see how you'd spec the behavior to avoid that if general regex
>>>> > replacement is supported.
>>>> >
>>>> > On Fri, May 18, 2018 at 9:47 AM, Alex Vincent <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Reading [1] in the digests, I think there might actually be an API
>>>> >> improvement that is doable.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Suppose the String.prototype.replace API allowed passing in a single
>>>> >> argument, a Map instance where the keys were strings or regular
>>>> expressions
>>>> >> and the values were replacement strings or functions.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Advantages:
>>>> >> * Shorthand - instead of writing str.replace(a, b).replace(c,
>>>> >> d).replace(e, f)... you get str.replace(regExpMap)
>>>> >> * Reusable - the same regular expression/string map could be used for
>>>> >> several strings (assuming of course the user didn't just abstract
>>>> the call
>>>> >> into a separate function)
>>>> >> * Modifiable on demand - developers could easily add new regular
>>>> >> expression matches to the map object, or remove them
>>>> >> * It wouldn't necessarily break existing API, since
>>>> >> String.prototype.replace currently accepts only RegExp or strings.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Disadvantages / reasons not to do it:
>>>> >> * Detecting collisions between matching regular expressions or
>>>> strings.
>>>> >> If two regular expressions match the same string, or a regular
>>>> expression
>>>> >> and a search string match, the expected results may vary because a
>>>> Map's
>>>> >> elements might not be consistently ordered.  I don't know if the
>>>> ECMAScript
>>>> >> spec mandates preserving a particular order to a Map's elements.
>>>> >>   - if we preserve the same chaining capability
>>>> >> (str.replace(map1).replace(map2)...), this might not be a big
>>>> problem.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> The question is, how often do people chain replace calls together?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> * It's not particularly hard to chain several replace calls together.
>>>> >> It's just verbose, which might not be a high enough burden to
>>>> overcome for
>>>> >> adding API.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> That's my two cents for the day.  Thoughts?
>>>> >>
>>>> >> [1]
>>>> ototype
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
>>>> >> "The first step in confirming there is a bug in someone else's work
>>>> is
>>>> >> confirming there are no bugs in your own."
>>>> >> -- Alexander J. Vincent, June 30, 2001
>>>> >>
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