
JSON.stringify is currently fully compatible with the TC39 BigInt
proposal, so it throws an exception in the case of a bigint value. You
can add:

BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(); }

to handle this case. It could also be possible to modify the behavior of
JSON.stringify in bigint mode so that it does not throw an exception in
case of a bigint value.

Regarding the unresponsive cases you noticed with large exponents in
floating point literals, it is a known problem of the current code which
will be corrected.

Best regards,


On 05/28/2018 07:43 PM, kai zhu wrote:
> hi fabrice, what you’ve done is interesting and impressive;  but an
> integration-level concern (if tc39 is to consider standardizing your
> extension, rather than keep it userland) is how would a web-project go
> about baton-passing these arbitrary-precision numbers between browser
> <-> server <-> persistent-storage via JSON?  what would happen if you
> pass an arbitrarily large float as a “number” type to current mysql (or
> native-module sqlite3) driver?
> playing with your live web-demo @ http://numcalc.com/, it seems
> JSON.stringify has divergent behavior between math-equivalent large
> floats (preserves full-precision) and large integers (throws error as a
> bigint):
> ```js
> mjs > 12345678901234567890.0e0 === 12345678901234567890
> true
> mjs > typeof 12345678901234567890.0e0
> "number"
> mjs > JSON.stringify(12345678901234567890.0e0)
> "12345678901234567890”
> mjs > typeof 12345678901234567890
> "bigint"
> mjs > JSON.stringify(12345678901234567890)
> TypeError: bigint are forbidden in JSON.stringify
>     at to_str (stdlib.js)
>     at stringify (stdlib.js)
>     at &lt;eval> (&lt;evalScript>)
>     at evalScript (native)
>     at eval_and_print (repl.js)
>     at setPrec (native)
>     at handle_cmd (repl.js)
>     at readline_handle_cmd (repl.js)
>     at handle_key (repl.js)
>     at handle_char (repl.js)
>     at handle_byte (repl.js)
> mjs > JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(1.12345678901234567890123456789e123456))
> 1.12345678901234567890123456789e+123456 // takes ~200ms to process
> mjs > JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(1.12345678901234567890123456789e-123456))
> 1.12345678901234567890123456789e-123456 // takes ~200ms to process
> mjs > JSON.stringify(1.1e1234567890) // unresponsive
> mjs > JSON.stringify(1.1e-1234567890) // unresponsive
> ```
> kai zhu
> kaizhu...@gmail.com <mailto:kaizhu...@gmail.com>
>> On 28 May 2018, at 7:25 PM, Fabrice Bellard <fabr...@bellard.org
>> <mailto:fabr...@bellard.org>> wrote:
>> A new revised version of the "BigNum extensions" is available at
>> http://numcalc.com/jsbignum.pdf . This new version is 100% compatible
>> with standard Javascript with the addition of a "use bigint" mode. It
>> is split into 4 proposals:
>> 1) Overloading of the standard operators to support new types such as
>> complex numbers, fractions or matrixes.
>> 2) Bigint mode where arbitrarily large integers are available by
>> default (no "n" suffix is necessary as in the BigInt proposal at
>> https://tc39.github.io/proposal-bigint/ ).
>> 3) Arbitrarily large floating point numbers in base 2 using the IEEE
>> 754 semantics.
>> 4) Optional "math" mode which modifies the semantics of the division,
>> modulo and power operator. The division and power operator return a
>> fraction with integer operands and the modulo operator is defined as
>> the Euclidian remainder.
>> A complete demo is available at http://numcalc.com . The command
>> "\mode [std|bigint|math]" can be used to switch between the standard
>> javascript mode, bigint mode or math mode. In standard Javascript
>> mode, the complete TC39 BigInt proposal is supported. In the demo, the
>> default
>> floating point precision is set to 128 bits. It can be set back to the
>> default Javascript precision with "\p f64" or "\p 53 11".
>> Fabrice.
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