Agreed in that it's not ambiguous - you have to disambiguate it with a
space for the same reason you have to use `a+ +b` instead of `a++b` in
minified code to avoid ambiguity when specifying `a + +b`. So `a?.b:.c`
would be invalid, but `a? .b:.c` is not.

On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 16:48 Bob Myers <> wrote:

> Not exactly, since the optional chaining operator is `?.` with no space in
> between.
> On Thu, Jun 27, 2019 at 1:37 PM Simon Farrugia <>
> wrote:
>> Also, without a leading token, a selector expr with the optional chaining
>> operator inside a ternary operator would be ambiguous.
>> ```
>> const contactSelector = true ? :;
>> ```
>> --

Isiah Meadows
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