On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 2:45 AM Claude Pache <claude.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In fact, for my purpose, I have no reason to impose a limit for a precise 
> number of *code points* (as opposed to other possible definitions of “length” 
> such as *UTF-16 code units* or *grapheme clusters*). Technically, I am 
> usually limited by the size of a column in the database, for which the “size” 
> corresponds typically to the number of bytes in a UTF-8 encoded string. From 
> a user point-of-view, the number of “characters” is better approximated by 
> the number of grapheme clusters. None of those two notions of “length” 
> correspond to the number of code points.

Yup, code points, while a useful specification concept to work with,
are in fact very rarely what you actually need to care about for
anything in real use-cases! Bytes or grapheme clusters are almost
always what you want.

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