> Le 12 août 2019 à 22:00, Matthew Morgan <mmm...@zips.uakron.edu> a écrit :
> JS needs a modulo operator. It currently has the remainder operator `%` which 
> works in most cases except for negative values. I believe the the `%%` would 
> work great and be easy to remember. 
> let x = (-13) %% 64;
> is equivalent to  
> let x = ((-13 % 64) + 64) % 64;

Is there a strong advantage of an `%%` operator over a `Math.mod()` function? 
There is the precedent of the `**` operator implemented as alternative of 
`Math.pow()` few years ago. It would be interesting to hear the feedback of 
those that use regularly powers, whether the benefit was clear (personally, I 
almost never use either `Math.pow()` or `**`, so that I can’t say anything).

At least one disadvantage of an operator over a function, is that you have to 
think about precedence. The problem is exacerbated in JS, because (following 
some other languages) the unary minus has an uncanny high precedence level, 
confusingly very different than the one of the binary minus; so that, after 
having designed `**`, it was realised at the last minute that `-a**b` would be 
dumbly interpreted as `(-a)**b` instead of `-(a**b)` or `0-a**b`, as anybody 
who would be likely to actually use the operator would expect. (That particular 
issue was resolved in a hurry by making the parenthesis-left form a syntax 


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