Can someone tell me exactly how just omitting "await" doesn't broadly
achieve the "concurrency" objective?

On Fri, 6 Sep 2019, 20:04 Cyril Auburtin, <> wrote:

> It could be probably added as a `Promise.all(iterable, concurrency?)`
> Some existing implementations:
> -
> -
> - I tried to write one:
> On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 8:33 PM Tom Boutell <> wrote:
>> I am more interested in syntax two than syntax one, which I felt should
>> probably be included for completeness. But hey, as you say, maybe not since
>> unguarded concurrency is indeed usually a mistake.
>> Taken on its own, do you have an objection to `for (item of items
>> concurrency 5) { ... }`?
>> On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 1:46 PM C. Scott Ananian <>
>> wrote:
>>> The current way to write what you want is:
>>> await Promise.all( => db.insert(item));
>>> or
>>> await Promise.all(, item =>
>>> db.insert(item))));
>>> if you are using a library like `prfun` (
>>> ).
>>> I'm not sure adding a new parallel loop construct is an obvious
>>> improvement on this, especially since unguarded concurrent execution is
>>> usually a mistake (can cause memory requirements to blow up), as you point
>>> out yourself.
>>> I'd be more in favor of new syntax if it was integrated with a
>>> work-stealing mechanism, since (a) that can't as easily be done in a
>>> library function (you need access to the entire set of runnable tasks, not
>>> just the ones created in this loop), and (b) is more likely to be
>>> correct/fast by default and not lead to subtle resource-exhaustion problems.
>>>   --scott
>>> On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 12:40 PM Tom Boutell <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> *Specifying concurrency for "for...of" loops potentially containing
>>>> "await" statements in the loop body*
>>>> In the async/await era, I see most developers using the async and await
>>>> keywords in 90% of situations, shifting to "Promise.all" or the bluebird
>>>> library only to cope with concurrency issues.
>>>> The most common case in my experience is the need to admit a manageable
>>>> level of parallelism when iterating a large array (or iterator, see the
>>>> final section) and performing asynchronous work on each item. Unlimited
>>>> concurrency (Promise.all) tends to overwhelm backends involved in a way
>>>> that confuses developers as to what is happening. Bluebird's ""
>>>> permits concurrency to be specified, which is great, but requires pulling
>>>> in a library and switching of mental gears ("OK right, these async
>>>> functions return promises," etc).
>>>> To build on the friendliness of async/await, I propose these two
>>>> syntaxes be accepted:
>>>> ```js
>>>> for (item of items concurrent) {
>>>>   // db.insert is an async function
>>>>   await db.insert(item);
>>>> }
>>>> ```
>>>> In Syntax One, all loop bodies commence concurrently (see below for the
>>>> definition of "concurrently" with regard to async). If an exception is not
>>>> caught inside the loop, it is thrown beyond the loop, and all exceptions
>>>> subsequently thrown by concurrently executing loop bodies are discarded
>>>> (like Promise.all).
>>>> *While I feel that unlimited concurrency is usually a mistake in a
>>>> situation where you have an array of items of unpredictable number, it
>>>> seems odd not to have a syntax for this case, and "concurrency 0" seems
>>>> clunky.*
>>>> ```js
>>>> for (item of items concurrency 5) {
>>>>   // db.insert is an async function
>>>>   await db.insert(item);
>>>> }
>>>> ```
>>>> in Syntax Two, up to 5 loop bodies commence concurrently (see below).
>>>> There is no guarantee that item 3 will finish before item 2, or that item 4
>>>> won't start (due to 3 being finished) before item 2 ends, etc. If an
>>>> exception is not caught inside the loop, it is thrown beyond the loop, and
>>>> all exceptions subsequently thrown by concurrently executing loop bodies
>>>> are discarded (like Promise.all in this respect, except for the restriction
>>>> of concurrency).
>>>> For purposes of this proposal, "concurrent" execution means that
>>>> multiple loop bodies may be suspended via "await" at any given time. It
>>>> does NOT refer to multithreaded execution, worker threads, etc.
>>>> Async iterator syntax for "for...of" loops, as in:
>>>> ```js
>>>> for await (item of itemsCursor) { ... }
>>>> ```
>>>> Should also support concurrency for the loop body, with the same syntax:
>>>> ```js
>>>> for await (item of itemsCursor concurrency 5) { ... }
>>>> ```
>>>> *It is important to note that this syntax does not add concurrency to
>>>> the async iterator itself, *at least not at this time, as I believe
>>>> the interface for defining async iterators does not currently accommodate
>>>> this. However this syntax is still useful because it *fetches the
>>>> items sequentially from the iterator, but may "fill the hopper" with up to
>>>> five iterator results* that are currently being actively processed by
>>>> loop bodies. In many cases, fetching items via an iterator is much faster
>>>> than the processing that will be done to them in the loop bodies, and so
>>>> this is still useful.
>>>> Thanks for reading!
>>>> --
>>>> Chief Software Architect
>>>> Apostrophe Technologies
>>>> Pronouns: he / him / his
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>> --
>> Chief Software Architect
>> Apostrophe Technologies
>> Pronouns: he / him / his
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