Just curious. Is there a reason template literals are not allowed as property 
names in object literals? I can do:

   let obj = {'foo bar': 1};


   let obj = {"foo bar": 1};

but not

   let obj = {`foo bar`: 1};

It doesn't seem that allowing the latter would present any syntactic problems 
and seems like almost an oversight that it's not allowed.

The main reason I ask is that we've gone completely over to using template 
literals for all our literals (why not?) and was surprised that we can't use a 
template literal as an object literal property name. Obviously, we can do:

   let obj = {[`foo bar`]: 1};

And given that square brackets allow arbitrary expressions for propery names, 
it wouldn't seem that supporting template literals for object literal property 
names would not present any daunting implementation issues.

I guess I'd argue that the Principle of Least Astonishment and/or completeness 
suggests that JS should support this.

Sorry if this has been asked before but couldn't find anything in the archive.


Alex Kodat
Senior Product Architect
Rocket Software
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