After messing with Proxy-on-prototypes for two days, I've just come to
the conclusion that I probably need to have Proxies on this (the
receiver) returned from constructors to achieve what I want. At least,
it's much easier to code it that way. I think it'd be nice to have
receiver on all inheritance-related traps. That might make some things

On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 2:55 PM #!/JoePea <> wrote:
> I really thing that because `has` is about detecting inherited
> properties, the `receiver` parameter should be included. For things
> like `ownKeys`, which are not about inheritance, then yeah, let's not
> add receiver there.
> I'm trying to implement my own multiple inheritance, but now I
> stumbled on how to make it send back true for inherited keys when I
> need to fork the lookup based on instances that are `WeakMap`ed to the
> `receiver`.
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