Anyway, if anyone is interested, I've published the `assign-properties`
module [1]


On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 7:51 PM Andrea Giammarchi <> wrote:

> The fact `assign` doesn't copy descriptors and has potential side-effects
> is documented extensively though, meaning there is room for improvement, or
> simply a missing native way to do that, like it was for
> `getOwnPropertyDescriptors`, that following your logic should've never
> landed.
> But I guess I'd go with the usual "yet another micro library" approach
> instead, so that at least I won't have to deal with assign shenanigans when
> I mean to copy accessors too.
> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 7:33 PM Jordan Harband <> wrote:
>> It seems like it’s the exact implementation you want, just for 1 object
>> instead of N.
>> Object.assign was added because versions of it were all over the web,
>> used very frequently. How frequent is the pattern where people want to copy
>> descriptors, such that it would deserve reification in the language?
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 10:23 AM Andrea Giammarchi <
>>> wrote:
>>> That has nothing to do with this, right?
>>> ```js
>>> const {assign, defineProperties, getOwnPropertyDescriptors} = Object;
>>> const assignProperties = (base, ...mixins) => defineProperties(
>>>   base,
>>>   mixins.reduce(
>>>     (descriptors, mixin) => assign(
>>>       descriptors,
>>>       getOwnPropertyDescriptors(mixin)
>>>     ),
>>>     {}
>>>   )
>>> );
>>> ```
>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 6:51 PM Jordan Harband <> wrote:
>>>> `Object.defineProperties(target,
>>>> Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source))`?
>>>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 2:24 AM Andrea Giammarchi <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Both `Object.assign` and `{...extend}` suffer a tiny gotcha:
>>>>> properties are never assigned, neither retrieved, as accessors, with
>>>>> side-effects too.
>>>>> Example:
>>>>> ```js
>>>>> const Counter = {
>>>>>   _count: 0,
>>>>>   get count() {
>>>>>     return this._count++;
>>>>>   }
>>>>> };
>>>>> const incr1 = Object.assign({}, Counter);
>>>>> const incr2 = {...Counter};
>>>>> console.log(
>>>>>   incr1.count,    // 0
>>>>>   incr2.count,    // 1
>>>>>   Counter._count  // 2
>>>>> );
>>>>> // functionality also compromised
>>>>> console.log(incr1.count === incr1.count);
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Not only most of the time this is unexpected, but there's literally no
>>>>> way to pass along accessors with a similar `Object.assign` ease, even if
>>>>> that's what most developers would expect (at least up to the first time
>>>>> they encounter above issue).
>>>>> How about we introduce `Object.assignProperties` instead?
>>>>> A polyfill example:
>>>>> ```js
>>>>> const {assign, defineProperties, getOwnPropertyDescriptors} = Object;
>>>>> const assignProperties = (base, ...mixins) => defineProperties(
>>>>>   base,
>>>>>   mixins.reduce(
>>>>>     (descriptors, mixin) => assign(
>>>>>       descriptors,
>>>>>       getOwnPropertyDescriptors(mixin)
>>>>>     ),
>>>>>     {}
>>>>>   )
>>>>> );
>>>>> ```
>>>>> We can now use objects and mixins without side-effecting sources used
>>>>> to extend, and preserving accessors in the process.
>>>>> ```js
>>>>> const Counter = {
>>>>>   _count: 0,
>>>>>   get count() {
>>>>>     return this._count++;
>>>>>   }
>>>>> };
>>>>> const incr1 = Object.assignProperties({}, Counter);
>>>>> const incr2 = Object.assignProperties({}, Counter);
>>>>> console.log(
>>>>>   incr1.count,    // 0
>>>>>   incr2.count,    // 0
>>>>>   Counter._count  // 0
>>>>> );
>>>>> // always false: preserved functionality
>>>>> console.log(incr1.count === incr1.count);
>>>>> ```
>>>>> Thoughts ?
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