On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 3:34 AM, Vassil Dichev <vdic...@apache.org> wrote:

> > I've been thinking about pools lately and I think there are few other
> > things that might be possible / desirable.
> >
> > For example, a user should a checkbox on his profile that determines
> > whether other users can see my groups (public ones of course). A click
> > on a group leads to a list of all the users currently in that group.
> Back to an old topic... ESME is already too committed to the idea that
> groups are not pools. The purpose of a pool is to restrict who can
> view a set of messages, so more than one "public" pool makes no sense.

For a single ESME instance, you're correct.  But if I ever get the federated
stuff defined and working, you may have multiple public pools on a single
instance that have different federation rules.

> What does a group mean in this context anyway? It's not a personal
> view of a the messages of a set of users, so what would it do? Would
> it just forward a message sent to it to all its followers? If that's
> the case, then a user with an action to "resend" with a filter of
> "any" would serve the same purpose. I think that's what groups mean
> for Yammer, too, but of course they don't have actions.
> Vassil

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