On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 2:11 AM, Vassil Dichev <vdic...@apache.org> wrote:

> > What I don't like about IDEs is that they often gratuitously format
> > your code, assuming everyone must have the same preferences, and
> > there's no way to configure it (or at least few people do). For
> > instance, in several of the ESME files I can already see that
> > indentation spaces are substituted by 8 tabs, which looks pretty awful
> > with my settings (tab=2 spaces). Besides, this is against any Scala
> > conventions that I've seen.
> To clarify, I don't mean that I don't recommend IDEs, I just think
> it's harder to solve the problem of more or less uniform style. Many
> IDEs are flexible enough to configure formatting details on a
> fine-grained level. The problem is, we can't force everyone to use the
> same IDE, or to use an IDE at all, for that matter :)
> It would be interesting to have a command-line tool to do optional
> formatting. I don't see anything like that for Scala, which is similar
> to what e.g. Jalopy did for Java.

Yeah... I'd love a command-line Scala formatting tool.

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