Hi Christian,

1. The subject line appears to be unrelated to the body of your message.
2. Aquamacs configures ESS for you, so why are you trying to load it yourself?
3. Your message itself is very hard to understand. Consider spending
some time with a guide such as
http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html. This will help you
ask questions in a way that is more likely to elicit helpful


On Mon, Oct 9, 2017 at 4:53 PM, Christian <christ...@echoffmann.ch> wrote:
> Hi,
> Starting Aquamacs 3.3 on MacbookPro MacOS 10.12.6, I get an error
> --------
> Warning (initialization): An error occurred while loading
> ‘/Users/hoffmannc/.emacs’:
> File error: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory,
> ~/elisp/vendor/ess/lisp/ess-site.el
> -------
> My /Users/hoffmannc/.emacs looks like this
> _________________
> ;; ESS: Emacs Speaks Statistics
> (load "~/elisp/vendor/ess/lisp/ess-site.el")
> ---> SORRY: it is currently:
> (load
> "/Applications/Aquamacs3.3.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/aquamacs/edit-modes/ess-mode/lisp/ess/ess-site.elc")
> ;; Use shift-enter to split window & launch R (if not running), execute
> highlighted
> ... clip
>            (local-set-key [C-down] 'comint-next-input)))
>   (require 'ess-site)
> _________________
> ..and the last line seems to cause the error, as can be seen by C-x C-e.
> How can I correct this error?
> Thanks for any hints.
> Christian
> --
> Christian Hoffmann
> Rigiblickstrasse 15b
> CH-8915 Hausen am Albis
> Switzerland
> Telefon +41-(0)44-7640853
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