On 22 February 2020 at 11:22, Naresh Gurbuxani via ESS-help wrote:
| But the first problem remains.  When I type and incomplete command (e.g., 
"libr"), emacs displays the entire documentation of "library" in inferior ESS 
window.  So emacs still opens the help file, not in browser but in inferior ESS 

I had the same problem, and asked here. See the long-ish thread at

The list was most helpful (as well as a few private messages, thank you
all!).  It is indeed an interaction between modes, so I now turned off the
older auto-complete mode:

  ;; edd 2020-02-10 possible interaction with ESS
  ;(require 'auto-complete-config)

I kept other uses of company, irony, ... as set as I actually like them and
the fact that I get a pretty consistent Emacs experience across languages and


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