some more detail:

the db is on the MS cloud called Azure and the security protocols do
not allow plain text passwords in scripts, so only this interactive
login will be allowed. the window that opens is a browser window titled
"Windows Azure Authentication"
Has anybody been able to connect to Azure from ESS?

On Mon, 2021-10-18 at 10:46 -0400, Stephen Bond via ESS-help wrote:
> Hello,
> This is happening on Windows 10 GUI. I need to connect via ODBC
> Driver
> 17 and the connection is set as ActiveDirectoryInteractive. I have
> the
> DSN set up.
> Connecting from Rgui is easy as both odbcConnect and
> odbcDriverConnect
> open a window for the user to enter the password. 
> Under Rterm the DSN based connection does not work, but the driver
> connection works and it opens the login window. The help file makes a
> note that the driver needs to be declared for Rterm to work.
> Under ESS nothing works as the login window never pops up. The dash
> keeps spinning in the status bar as the process tries something, but
> the login window never pops up. Entering the password in the conn
> string gives an error saying that login is interactive and password
> cannot be supplied.
> is there some setting in ESS to allow the opening of that login
> window?
> Thanks everybody.
> Stephen
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