Hi Clark,

    Indeed, tsdh-dark seems to be good but on my machine the R code is not highlighted in the code chunk (as it is in your image) and I don't know why because in the command line I can see that I am in the ESS[R] mode. I will try to change the color for <<  >>= and @ thanks to the Tyler's directions and also the text color in the helm-buffers-list (C-x C-b).

Le 04/12/2023 à 02:15, clark richards a écrit :
Hi Laurent,

I haven't changed my Emacs theme setup in ages, and had to go looking through my config files to see what it was, but it appears that I have long used tsdh-dark as a theme. It works well enough with ESS/R/poly-noweb+r mode, though I notice that it actually doesn't color the "<<...>>=" or "@" at all. Everything else (latex, R code, other buffers, etc) looks good though.

Attaching a screenshot, but not sure if it will make it through the mailing list.



On Sun, Dec 3, 2023 at 6:48 PM LaurentEss via ESS-help <ess-help@r-project.org> wrote:

    Dear ESS-list,

           I tried many dark color themes to do literate programming with
    polymode (.rnw file) but there are always some drawbacks : the
    color of
    the beginning and the end of the chunks (<<....>>= and @) are
    unreadable, the color of the text when I want to see the available
    buffers (C-x C-b) is unreadable, etc...

    May you please tell me the name of a color theme which works fine
    polymode for noweb files ?

    I tried to find an answer on the web without success.

    Thank you

    Best regards


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