On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Cole Robinson<crobi...@redhat.com> wrote:
> If you can't get this all to work, maybe try using a physical bridge
> device as opposed to libvirt virtual networking:
> http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Networking#Bridged_networking_.28aka_.22shared_physical_device.22.29
> People have had issues with virtual networking in the past, so it might
> be good to eliminate that factor.
OK, I was able to configure a physical bridge and to install with
pxe+dhcp+tftp a slackware 64bit virtual machine attached to that
interface (br0).

> Correct, libvirtd starts dnsmasq for virtual networks.
> Libvirt doesn't support any tftp options for dnsmasq.
OK, thanks.
So I was able to configure another system controlled dnsmasq process
providing dhcp+tftp and deploy a VM as described above, with these
options in /etc/dnsmasq.conf:

And now what is the best approach to provide redundancy for network of
this kind (physical bridge on host) for the configured virtual
Can I create a bonding device bond0 and then create a bridge based on
bond0 as interface to achieve redundancy?
Is this doable/reccomended?
Any particular config requests to ask to the network men in order to
not create network problems?
Just that we are here, if the host has multiple network interfaces,
where to check which is the one bridged with virbr0?
Is it the one bound to the hostname of the host itself or is it configurable?
Is it possible to have the virtual bridge virbr0 itself redundant ?


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