On Fri, Dec 27, 2002 at 02:02:18PM -0500, Lehrer, Neil (OIG/OAS) wrote:
> i just installed 0.98 and went to try a capture.  the capture dialog
> does not see my network interface.  it worked fine under 0.97. 

Are you *CERTAIN* that the *ONLY* change you made was to install a new
version of Ethereal?  *NO* changes to WinPcap?

If there were WinPcap changes, this is probably a WinPcap issue:


If there were no WinPcap changes, then what happens if you:

        install 0.9.7 again;

        record the name of the network interface;

        install 0.9.8 again;

        try to capture on that interface by typing its name (as it
        appeared in the capture dialog under 0.9.7) in the "Interface:"
        text box?

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