Dear All
I have problem of reading the encoder input signal via pdcom.
I was able to run pdcom example code on my machine. The output are as following: (Note: I add few codes to print out all the obtained variables.). The Simulink model is also attached.

Connecting to
<2> MSR Protocol handler recognises the protocol.
<2> Waiting for <connected> tag.
<2> Autodetected MSR Protocol.
<2> <connected> tag arrived.
Application=pdcom example
<2> Logging in as "m...@meka-mist"
<2> Requesting parameter list.
<2> Message from process at 1290633249.891519: (0) Adminmode filp: 5
<2> Found 10 parameters.
<2> Requesting channel list.
<2> Found 17 channels.
<2> Protocol initialisation finished.
/single_motor_pos/Data Type Conversion
/single_motor_pos/Signal Generator/Amplitude
/single_motor_pos/Signal Generator/Frequency
/single_motor_pos/Signal Generator
notify(): /single_motor_pos/Integrator 0
notify():/single_motor_pos/Integrator 0

It seems like Pdcom could only recognize parameters such as constant/value or gain/gain in Simulink model but not signal. Can anyone tell me how to get access to the signals? In the end, thanks for everyone of you effort. So I can make etherlab + pdcom run on my computer quickly. I also attached my system setting here FYI.
etherlab: 1.3-pre
realtime workshop: 6.6

Look forward to your answer!


Jayson(Jienan) Ding, Research Engineer
Meka Robotics LLC.
1240 Pennsylvania Ave,
San Francisco, CA, 94107
Tel: 415-206-0131
Fax: 415.206.0247

Model {
  Name                    "single_motor_pos"
  Version                 6.6
  MdlSubVersion           0
  GraphicalInterface {
    NumRootInports          0
    NumRootOutports         0
    ParameterArgumentNames  ""
    ComputedModelVersion    "1.134"
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    NumTestPointedSignals   0
  SavedCharacterEncoding  "UTF-8"
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  IgnoreBidirectionalLines off
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  ShowTestPointIcons      on
  ShowViewerIcons         on
  SortedOrder             off
  ExecutionContextIcon    off
  ShowLinearizationAnnotations on
  ScopeRefreshTime        0.035000
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  DataTypeOverride        "UseLocalSettings"
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  MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite"
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  BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off
  ToolBar                 on
  StatusBar               on
  BrowserShowLibraryLinks off
  BrowserLookUnderMasks   off
  InitFcn                 "gear_ratio = 2*pi/500;"
  Created                 "Mon Nov 22 13:45:46 2010"
  Creator                 "meka"
  UpdateHistory           "UpdateHistoryNever"
  ModifiedByFormat        "%<Auto>"
  LastModifiedBy          "meka"
  ModifiedDateFormat      "%<Auto>"
  LastModifiedDate        "Wed Nov 24 13:13:31 2010"
  ModelVersionFormat      "1.%<AutoIncrement:134>"
  ConfigurationManager    "None"
  SimulationMode          "normal"
  LinearizationMsg        "none"
  Profile                 off
  ParamWorkspaceSource    "MATLABWorkspace"
  AccelSystemTargetFile   "accel.tlc"
  AccelTemplateMakefile   "accel_default_tmf"
  AccelMakeCommand        "make_rtw"
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  ExtModeIncDirWhenArm    off
  ExtModeAddSuffixToVar   off
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  ExtModeArmWhenConnect   on
  ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off
  ExtModeLogAll           on
  ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock off
  BufferReuse             off
  ProdHWDeviceType        "32-bit xPC Target (Intel Pentium)"
  ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off
  ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off
  Array {
    Type                    "Handle"
    Dimension               1
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      $ObjectID               1
      Version                 "1.2.0"
      Array {
        Type                    "Handle"
        Dimension               8
        Simulink.SolverCC {
          $ObjectID               2
          Array {
            Type                    "Cell"
            Dimension               1
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          StopTime                "inf"
          AbsTol                  "auto"
          FixedStep               "0.001"
          InitialStep             "auto"
          MaxNumMinSteps          "-1"
          MaxOrder                5
          ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps"
          MaxConsecutiveZCs       "1000"
          ExtrapolationOrder      4
          NumberNewtonIterations  1
          MaxStep                 "auto"
          MinStep                 "auto"
          MaxConsecutiveMinStep   "1"
          RelTol                  "1e-3"
          SolverMode              "SingleTasking"
          Solver                  "ode1"
          SolverName              "ode1"
          ZeroCrossControl        "UseLocalSettings"
          AlgebraicLoopSolver     "TrustRegion"
          SolverResetMethod       "Fast"
          PositivePriorityOrder   off
          AutoInsertRateTranBlk   off
          SampleTimeConstraint    "Unconstrained"
          RateTranMode            "Deterministic"
        Simulink.DataIOCC {
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            Cell                    "LoadInitialState"
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            PropName                "DisabledProps"
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          TimeSaveName            "tout"
          OutputSaveName          "yout"
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          OutputTimes             "[]"
          Refine                  "1"
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          RollThreshold           5
          SystemCodeInlineAuto    off
          StateBitsets            off
          DataBitsets             off
          UseTempVars             off
          ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on
          ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on
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          RTPrefix                "error"
          ConsistencyChecking     "none"
          ArrayBoundsChecking     "none"
          SignalInfNanChecking    "none"
          ReadBeforeWriteMsg      "UseLocalSettings"
          WriteAfterWriteMsg      "UseLocalSettings"
          WriteAfterReadMsg       "UseLocalSettings"
          AlgebraicLoopMsg        "warning"
          ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning"
          CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on
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          CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off
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          BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning"
          MinStepSizeMsg          "warning"
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          MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg    "error"
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          MultiTaskDSMMsg         "error"
          MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error"
          MultiTaskRateTransMsg   "error"
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          ParameterOverflowMsg    "error"
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          InvalidFcnCallConnMsg   "error"
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          CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error"
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            Type                    "Handle"
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                    Dimension               17
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                    Cell                    "SupportContinuousTime"
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                    Cell                    "RTWCAPIParams"
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                PropName                "Components"
              CustomProperty {
                DataType                "int32"
                Name                    "BufferTime"
                Value                   10
              CustomProperty {
                DataType                "int32"
                Name                    "OverrunCount"
                Value                   1
              CustomProperty {
                DataType                "int32"
                Name                    "StackSize"
                Value                   2000
              CustomProperty {
                DataType                "int32"
                Name                    "ETLDecimation"
                Value                   1
              CustomProperty {
                DataType                "slbool"
                Name                    "VerboseBuild"
                Value                   off
              CustomProperty {
                DataType                "string"
                Name                    "ModulePayload"
                Value                   "single_motor_pos.mdl "
            PropName                "Components"
        hdlcoderui.hdlcc {
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          Description             "HDL Coder custom configuration component"
          Version                 "1.2.0"
          Name                    "HDL Coder"
          Array {
            Type                    "Cell"
            Dimension               1
            Cell                    ""
            PropName                "HDLConfigFile"
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      Name                    "Configuration"
      CurrentDlgPage          "Real-Time Workshop/EtherLab C code generation o"
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  BlockParameterDefaults {
    Block {
      BlockType               DataTypeConversion
      OutDataTypeMode         "Inherit via back propagation"
      OutDataType             "sfix(16)"
      OutScaling              "2^0"
      LockScale               off
      ConvertRealWorld        "Real World Value (RWV)"
      RndMeth                 "Zero"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
      SampleTime              "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType               Derivative
      LinearizePole           "inf"
    Block {
      BlockType               Gain
      Gain                    "1"
      Multiplication          "Element-wise(K.*u)"
      ParameterDataTypeMode   "Same as input"
      ParameterDataType       "sfix(16)"
      ParameterScalingMode    "Best Precision: Matrix-wise"
      ParameterScaling        "2^0"
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      OutDataType             "sfix(16)"
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      RndMeth                 "Floor"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
      SampleTime              "-1"
    Block {
      BlockType               Integrator
      ExternalReset           "none"
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      InitialCondition        "0"
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      LowerSaturationLimit    "-inf"
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      AbsoluteTolerance       "auto"
      IgnoreLimit             off
      ZeroCross               on
      ContinuousStateAttributes "''"
    Block {
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      LowerLimit              "-0.5"
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      SampleTime              "-1"
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      BlockType               "S-Function"
      FunctionName            "system"
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      PortCounts              "[]"
    Block {
      BlockType               SignalGenerator
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      Amplitude               "1"
      Frequency               "1"
      Units                   "Hertz"
      VectorParams1D          on
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      RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
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      RndMeth                 "Floor"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
      SampleTime              "-1"
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      BackgroundColor         "yellow"
      SourceBlock             "etherlab_lib/EtherCAT/Beckhoff/AOUT_0"
      SourceType              "EL4xxx"
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      index                   "1"
      model                   "EL4132"
      input_type              "Separate Inputs"
      scale                   "[]"
      tsample                 "-1"
      debug                   "0"
    Block {
      BlockType               Sum
      Name                    "Add"
      Ports                   [3, 1]
      Position                [445, 89, 475, 121]
      Inputs                  "+++"
      CollapseMode            "All dimensions"
      InputSameDT             off
      OutDataTypeMode         "Inherit via internal rule"
      OutScaling              "2^-10"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
    Block {
      BlockType               DataTypeConversion
      Name                    "Data Type Conversion"
      Position                [125, 188, 200, 222]
      OutDataTypeMode         "double"
      RndMeth                 "Floor"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
    Block {
      BlockType               Derivative
      Name                    "Derivative"
      Position                [360, 155, 390, 185]
    Block {
      BlockType               Reference
      Name                    "ENC_0"
      Ports                   [0, 1]
      Position                [30, 185, 110, 225]
      BackgroundColor         "yellow"
      SourceBlock             "etherlab_lib/EtherCAT/Beckhoff/ENC_0"
      SourceType              "EL5101"
      master                  "0"
      index                   "3"
      reload                  off
      reset                   off
      fwdcount                off
      gate                    "None"
      freqwin                 "100"
      reloadvalue             "65535"
      control                 off
      preset                  off
      dtype                   "Double"
      value                   on
      latch                   off
      freq                    off
      period                  off
      window                  off
      status                  off
      tsample                 "-1"
      debug                   "0"
    Block {
      BlockType               Gain
      Name                    "Gain"
      Position                [320, 25, 350, 55]
      Gain                    "0.01"
      ParameterDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
      OutDataTypeMode         "Inherit via internal rule"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
    Block {
      BlockType               Gain
      Name                    "Gain1"
      Position                [300, 90, 330, 120]
      Gain                    "0"
      ParameterDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
      OutDataTypeMode         "Inherit via internal rule"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
    Block {
      BlockType               Gain
      Name                    "Gain2"
      Position                [300, 155, 330, 185]
      Gain                    "0.005"
      ParameterDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
      OutDataTypeMode         "Inherit via internal rule"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
    Block {
      BlockType               Gain
      Name                    "Gear"
      Position                [215, 160, 245, 190]
      Orientation             "up"
      Gain                    "gear_ratio"
      ParameterDataTypeMode   "Inherit via internal rule"
      OutDataTypeMode         "Inherit via internal rule"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
    Block {
      BlockType               Reference
      Name                    "Generate Code"
      Ports                   []
      Position                [541, 160, 644, 200]
      BackgroundColor         "lightBlue"
      ShowName                off
      FontName                "Arial"
      FontSize                12
      FontWeight              "bold"
      SourceBlock             "etherlab_lib/Generate Code"
      SourceType              ""
      ShowPortLabels          "FromPortIcon"
      SystemSampleTime        "-1"
      FunctionWithSeparateData off
      RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm   "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecFuncExecute    "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataConstants  "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataInternal   "Inherit from model"
      RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model"
    Block {
      BlockType               Integrator
      Name                    "Integrator"
      Ports                   [1, 1]
      Position                [355, 90, 385, 120]
      IgnoreLimit             off
    Block {
      BlockType               Saturate
      Name                    "Saturation"
      Position                [510, 90, 540, 120]
    Block {
      BlockType               SignalGenerator
      Name                    "Signal\nGenerator"
      Ports                   [0, 1]
      Position                [155, 90, 185, 120]
      Amplitude               "180/180*pi"
    Block {
      BlockType               Sum
      Name                    "Sum"
      Ports                   [2, 1]
      Position                [220, 95, 240, 115]
      ShowName                off
      IconShape               "round"
      Inputs                  "|+-"
      CollapseMode            "All dimensions"
      InputSameDT             off
      OutDataTypeMode         "Inherit via internal rule"
      SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off
      Port {
        PortNumber              1
        Name                    "test_sig"
        RTWStorageClass         "Auto"
        DataLoggingNameMode     "SignalName"
    Line {
      Name                    "test_sig"
      Labels                  [0, 0]
      SrcBlock                "Sum"
      SrcPort                 1
      Points                  [25, 0]
      Branch {
        Points                  [0, 0]
        Branch {
          DstBlock                "Gain1"
          DstPort                 1
        Branch {
          Points                  [0, 65]
          DstBlock                "Gain2"
          DstPort                 1
      Branch {
        Labels                  [2, 0]
        Points                  [0, -65]
        DstBlock                "Gain"
        DstPort                 1
    Line {
      Labels                  [0, 0]
      SrcBlock                "Gear"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Sum"
      DstPort                 2
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Gain"
      SrcPort                 1
      Points                  [50, 0; 0, 55]
      DstBlock                "Add"
      DstPort                 1
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Integrator"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Add"
      DstPort                 2
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Derivative"
      SrcPort                 1
      Points                  [10, 0; 0, -55]
      DstBlock                "Add"
      DstPort                 3
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Add"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Saturation"
      DstPort                 1
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Gain1"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Integrator"
      DstPort                 1
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Gain2"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Derivative"
      DstPort                 1
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Saturation"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "AOUT_0"
      DstPort                 2
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "ENC_0"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Data Type Conversion"
      DstPort                 1
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Signal\nGenerator"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Sum"
      DstPort                 1
    Line {
      SrcBlock                "Data Type Conversion"
      SrcPort                 1
      DstBlock                "Gear"
      DstPort                 1
    Annotation {
      Name                    "angle[rad]"
      Position                [228, 216]

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