
I am trying to change the default PDO assignments on the Yaskawa Sigma V

Currently the RX PDO only contains Control, Target Position, but I would
also like
to map the Profile Velocity in.

The reference material recommends the following procedure:

* Set PDO assignment count on Sync Managers 2, 3 to 0
* Modify PDO Mapping
* Set PDO assignment count on Sync Managers 2, 3 to 1

I am using sdo transfers via command line to try to change the values:

# disable sync
ethercat -p9 --type uint8 download 0x1c12 0 0
ethercat -p9 --type uint8 download 0x1c13 0 0

# add velocity
# push dictionary entry 0x6081:00 into the map
ethercat -p9 --type uint32 download 0x1601 3 0x60810020
# update size
ethercat -p9 --type uint8 download 0x1601 0 3

# re-enable sync
ethercat -p9 --type uint8 download 0x1c12 0 1
ethercat -p9 --type uint8 download 0x1c13 0 1

However after executing the command to push an entry into the map:

I get the following error.

$ ethercat -p9 --type uint32 download 0x1601 3 0x60810020
SDO transfer aborted with code 0x06040041: The object cannot be mapped into
the PDO

I have tried doing the same with other dictionary entries that are
compatible to be mapped
as PDO items, still the same result.

=== Master 0, Slave 9 ===
Alias: 1
State: PREOP
Flag: +
  Vendor Id:       0x00000539
  Product code:    0x02200001
  Revision number: 0x00030001
  Serial number:   0x00000000
DL information:
  FMMU bit operation: yes
  Distributed clocks: yes, 32 bit
  DC system time transmission delay: 2510 ns
Port  Type  Link  Loop    Signal  NextSlave  RxTime [ns]  Diff [ns]   NextDc
   0  MII   up    open    yes             8   1907351212
0          80
   1  MII   down  closed  no              -            -
-           -
   2  N/A   down  closed  no              -            -
-           -
   3  N/A   down  closed  no              -            -
-           -
  Bootstrap RX: 0x0000/0, TX: 0x0000/0
  Standard  RX: 0x1000/128, TX: 0x1080/128
  Supported protocols: CoE
  Image name:
  Order number:
  Device name:
  CoE details:
    Enable SDO: yes
    Enable SDO Info: yes
    Enable PDO Assign: yes
    Enable PDO Configuration: yes
    Enable Upload at startup: no
    Enable SDO complete access: no
    Enable SafeOp: no
    Enable notLRW: yes
  Current consumption: 0 mA

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