Nikki Fenton schrieb:
Hi I am trying to get ethersex working with the pollin avr net io board connected to the pollin sd add-on board I have fitted a rfm12b module to it.I have changed the avr to a atmega1284p. When I try to connect to the web interface from the default ip address I am not able to load the page I have set my pc with a static ip and rebooted the avr net io but the web interface never loads ?

Thanks Nikki
I had the same Problems a few month before. Never got it runnin. I think there are a lot of problems in the code and the Menuconfig scripts. if you try a lot of different Menuconfig options you have to remove the .config file completely after a few runs. If you often change the boards, .config will be corrupted. So delete it and do a complete new config. Then it will work better. Next thing is to erase EEPROM values.
This can help also.

Good luck.

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