
I'll do it, if no one else voulnteers.

I'm out of town the remainder of this afternoon, but will check my mail
tomorrow morning.


Rob Hudson wrote:

> Anyone want to play contact?
> ----- Forwarded message from Paul Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
> | Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 11:16:40 -0800
> | From: Paul Selby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> | Subject: TurboLinux Info
> |
> | LUG Organizers,
> | We're curious here at TurboLinux to find out what people in the field
> | know and think about our product.  From what we've seen and heard so
> | far, Linux users are focusing on us in regards to our server and
> | Turbocluster server product.  I'm working in conjunction with our
> | outside contacts to "spread the word" about our new product and to make
> | sure that anyone interested in our product has a chance to use/play with
> | it to see for themselve what they think.  I would be glad to find the
> | answers to any questions you may have.  I'd also like to send you trial
> | Cds of our new 6.0 workstation and server product as well as our 4.0
> | Turbocluster server.  Please let me know what your interests are, what
> | demo Cds you'd like to see, and what your overall view of TurboLinux is
> | as a linux vendor.  Please feel free to phone or email me.  Thanks for
> | your time.
> | --
> | Regards,
> |
> | Paul D. Selby
> | TurboLinux
> | Tele: (650) 244-7646
> | Fax:  (650) 244-7766
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  Web Developer
>  Visit the EUGLUG homepage at
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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