well, I can trade a fine Linux machine for your laptop,  I'll even install
RedHat 6.1 for you if you want!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael C. King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Michael C. King" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2000 5:40 PM
Subject: right on!

> finally!
> someone gave me a lug-eug addy, and i tried every variant until a cat
> suggested reversing the order.
> I'd like to sign up to join the linux users group.
> been jonesin to put a red hat on my puter for years now,
> but haven't had a puter to put it on.
> my old laptop is about to be retired, when i get another system here
> pretty soon, and want to make it a little old linux machine.
> and of course, i wanna be up to date on all the newest/latest, even tho
> i'm an old-schooler.
> was just turned on to pc-train, and that's a good start.
> lemme know what's goin on, brother Seth!
> Thanks dude.
> Mk

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