Next Thursday the Community Village Communications Booth (which
will get a new name this year, maybe) is meeting at 7:30 at the Growers'
Market at 7:30. I'm going to try to get to the clinic, and then shanghai
anyone willing (whether or not you're going to join us at the fair) to the
Growers' Market for moral support (and to keep me from inserting Birk in
mouth). Given that my total involvement with the clinic has been sort of
skating by at the end a couple of times, and that most of you wouldn't
recognise me on the street, this should be useful.
        I'm going out to Conde's later in the month to pitch a LUG
presence at events there. Right now, I'd describe their reaction as "WTF?"
and while that's not supportive, there is some degree of interest. More on
that as and if it develops.  

Ed Craig         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taxi            Linux           FreeBSD
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...    Hunter/Garcia

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