I found the /etc/network/interfaces however, i cant figure out the syntax
or something, it tells me that "Don't seem to have all the variables for
eth0" when i do an ifup eth0

Ive tried:

iface eth0 inet static
        address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
        netmask xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
        broadcast xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

 (documentation said these where required, but also tried using gateway,
and network)

I also tried in this format

all attempts failed, so i tried ifup -i /etc/network/interfaces eth0

but no matter what i do, i still get that %^*#$*@#^%#@ error message.


  1:04am  up 121 days, 10:59,  1 user,  load average: 0.10, 0.03, 0.01

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Seth Cohn wrote:

> At 11:07 AM 06/09/2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >Ok... so, now I have a debian box to play with, but i have no idea how to
> >change the network settings! I tried all the config tools ive used in the
> >past (netconfig, netconf, ...) looked in my /etc/rc.d ... , but still i
> >cant find what i need to change (i dont use DHCP, I need to change it to
> >my static ip.)
> It's in /etc/network (which makes a LOT of sense... most of debian makes
> sense like that...)
> Unfortunatly, since everyone else uses odd stuff, like linuxconf, none of
> them have 'fixed' their stuff to work with Debian.
> also, apropos network works well.  The docs for debian are really good, 
> including complete New User Guide...

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