And those of us who have been saddled with Microsh*& bloatware in the past
get $100.00/hour for all the hours we went through just trying to keep our
machines operational (one more day...) and also Pain and Suffering
remittance for the psychological side efffects of being lied to about this
"wonderful, useful and stable" OS.

Ron LeVine
Computer Guru to the Gods and all around good guy!!!

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, Edward Craig wrote:

>Liquidate the company, proceeds to its debts, then its employees,
>then its stockholders, all code released to Open Source.
>I would expect the severance pay to be VERY generous.
>(Hey, this is a fantasy, Judge Jackson went with 2 parts).

> 1) Internet Service Provider
> 2) Operating Systems Software Company
> 3) Applications Software Company
> 4) Computer Hardware Manufacturing Company
> 5) Internet Applications Company
> 6) Software Games Company
> 7) Data Network Server (Built on NT Technology)

Don't forget the Gas company, Car manufacturer, and the ever intrusive
Manure shoveling service.

>Taxi Linux FreeBSD
>Think this through with me, let me know your mind... Hunter/Garcia

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