We would all like to extend our welcome,
as our support group grows.  In "joining", please
remember that you are a teacher as well --
I direct you to the "linux links" from
our euglug.org site, where you can find:

 Online Help:  Linux Documentation Project, HOWTO's,
   Hardware Database, Tips and Tricks, etc.
  (all HIGHLY recommended reading!!!)

 Linux "Guides":  Newbie/Linux/Security/etc GOOD GUIDES

 Dot Org's:  Free Software Foundation, Gimp, Kernel, ODP/dmoz,
   Open Source, Slashdot, XFree86, and X11 among others

 Distributions and Window Managers:  read about your favorite,
   find out about alternatives ;-)

also read man pages on your local system
(type "man man" or ie "man chmod" at prompt)

I spent a lot of time getting to know a bit of linux through
the HOWTO's, although some are dated or don't apply to a specific
distribution (SuSE, RedHat, Mandrake, etc)...
it helped a lot, but there's a lot to wade through :-/

Well, you new folx may not see much of me, but I'm online
plenty (although I'll be travelling a lot until Fall term starts),
and will be lurking around...



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