I thought you eug-luggers might be interested in this. (ISWC is the
International Symposium on Wearable Computers, held this year in Atlanta
in early October.)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 19:25:05 +0100
From: Walterio Mayol-cuevas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ISWC00 Photo-album
Resent-Date: Sat, 11 Nov 2000 14:24:11 -0500


Since I dont have a digital camera, it took longer to develop the film. 
And just today I put a photo-album of ISWC00 at:


PLEASE NOTE: I dont have a photo from all gadgets or speakers 
(including our wearable visual robot), therefore if you have such 
additional/better photograph and you want to share it, please sent it
to me through this email, I will put it there (with proper credits).

 Of general interest could be e.g. the minolta hologram-based HMD or the 
IBM Linux watch or the "pub crawler"; all of them with a picture in that page.

I hope you find it useful. And remember that at http://iswc.gatech.edu you can
find the video of the talks.

 My best wishes,

 Walterio W. Mayol-Cuevas
 P.R.S, Robotics Research Group - Active Vision Lab.
 University of Oxford - Department of Eng. Sci.
 Jenkin Building - Parks Road - OXFORD OX1 3PJ - UNITED KINGDOM

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