While taking a break busting my sacs getting the data & modems, etc from my 
DOA K6-233
Uber-Server I did indeed find some time to plan supper:

10lb FRESH turkey smothered in butter, paprika, marjoram, garlic and saki 
(the cooking
type of rice wine).....scratch-made stuffing with dried-sweet cranberries, 
pecans, walnuts, apples,
raisins, cornbread, onions, apricots (ok, so I used a bag of dried fruit!!) 
celery & ginger....corn-on-the-cob & steamed green beans.

For those of you who have never Thanksgivinged in Texas...a meal like that 
would be absolutely ruined by
drinking wine. A nice India Pale Ale or Amber compliments the whole 
schmegiggy. Desert is a huge pecan pie.

Come by in the morning Jamie....I'll save you a plate.

Happy Day to All


At 10:47 AM 11/23/2000, linux wrote:
>So.. I havnt heard the kaplan family menu yet? Last year looked
>really nice?

James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

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