VNC is single user and we have a few users that access the
server.  There isn't a GUI running on the box itself.  We were so
happy with X-WinPro that we actually paid for it.  The new
version is WinaXe 6.0.  You can get it at

>>> "Patrick R. Wade" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 3/6/2001 11:58:01 AM >>>
On Tue, Mar 06, 2001 at 11:47:30AM -0800, James S. Kaplan
>At the risk of sounding like a heretic....
>Why not just run the Linux apps where they belong and use a
nice win32 
>terminal (like QVT)
>to watch over things or better yet, use VNC.

This is actually more like what i do, but there are occasions
where i 
only have ready access to the one host (my laptop) where the
to run BillWare may have some small utility, but i don't want to
and loose the rest of my linux state.

Keeping UUCP running is starting to seem a lot like keeping a
man who smokes 4 packs a day on life support because he's the
last person 
on Earth who knows how to do the cha-cha, but he won't tell
-- Ryan Tucker 

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