You don't have to use iron-one stuff. I have seen many nice tee shirts with 
printed images using some sort of indelible ink (assuming you go with 
White, which I suggest you do not). My VA Linux black tee has white 
lettering, some pretty large, and it is holding up well. It looks to be 
some sort of latex ink.

Regards, Jim

At 12:11 AM 8/19/2001 -0700, you wrote:

>--- Rob Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Couldn't we get some kind of iron on things and print
> > these on there?
>We talked about a T-shirt at the 'rebel' meeting Thursday.
>I like your artwork for the little oregon logo.
>The big Tux is hard (I have a full tux, and it peels and
>I suggest we hold a contest, publicize it, and then print
>up shirts with the winner.
>Real printed shirts in quantity shouldn't be very
>Ideas floated at the meeting:
>Tiedyed tux.
>Tux/BSDaemon doing a anarchist thing (or tree sitting?)
>UO Duck/Tux
>This topic has happened before.... but we never followed up
>on it.  Let's not drop it this time.
>Let's shoot for the October Demo Day (which we also need to
>start talking about soon), and figure we can sell some
>there if it's good, so we can order extra.
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