
    You can run netcfg (in X) that will let you set up hosts, names, 
routing, etc.  This utility modifies the files in /etc/sysconfig/, 
namely network and other files in network-scripts/, so you could modify 
them by hand too.  

    I don't believe red carpet comes with redhat, at least not with 7.1. 
 You might want to check the RedHat/RPMS/ directory on the CD's and see 
if the package is there.  Otherwise download from ximian.


Justin Bengtson wrote:

>ah, the inevitable...
>so red hat installed.  found my hardware.  the music is playing once again
>(all that truly matters in life...).
>my cable modem had an outage last night so i didn't have a chance to try out
>the network.  i tried this morning before work and couldn't get it working,
>although i may just need to restart the firewall.
>where are the network config files in redhat?  /etc is different than debian
>(duh...).  is there a configurator i should be using instead?  i found one
>but it didn't seem to help.
>also, i can't seem to find red carpet.  does this come with red hat, or do i
>need to download it from somewhere?
>thanks in advance!

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