Jacob covered most of these, I thought I'd pitch in on the things he 
didn't answer...

>I still can't mount a floppy.  .fstab says 
>"/dev/fd0   /floppy   auto   defaults,user,noauto  0  0". 
>But mount says "mount: can't find floppy in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab".
>A similar statement for CD works fine. What am I missing? No, let me
>change that. What do I need to do?
Forgive me if I'm taking you too literally here, but are you editing 
.fstab, as if it were a user specific file?  The file you need to modify 
is /etc/fstab.  Only root can edit this file, and there isn't a way for 
a user to override it (at there is with many other preference files like 
.profile, etc.) due to security concerns.  

>I added the line to .fstab,
>"/dev/sda1   /dos   msdos   auto   defaults,user,noauto  0  0" with
>similar results. 

>The lpr command prints, but with only LF, not CR. What needs to be
>changed so the printer recognizes the Linux format?
If you have an HP Deskjet, so a search on google for deskjet staircase 
effect and you will find some tips...its not so much changing the 
printer to match linux as changing linux to send the carriage return. 
 Printing is IMHO still a weak spot for Linux and other unix like 
systems, unless you have a postscript printer.  They usually work great.

>Lately man has started saying "man: can't create temp filename:
>Permission denied". As root, I'm wondering who denied permission and
>why. Is God interfering here? I thought I was God of this system.
Well, take a look at the file permissions with ls -ld /tmp.  You can 
change this to be readable and writable by all by typing (as root) chmod 
a+rwx /tmp.  This should be set up that way already, but it sounds like 
/tmp is not set up that way for some reason.

>I'd like to write "c [directory]" to obey alias c='cd [??] |ls'.
>What is it that's needed here? Someone (Jason?) showed me it worked
>anyway, but now I think he left out the [directory] part.
you could do this with alias cd='cd $1 | ls'.  The $1 represents the 
first argument to the cd command.  So, if you type cd /blah, /blah gets 
substituted for $1.  Yes, you can extend this concept to $2, $3, etc.

>In LS, Less or More (pagers) apparently prevent color format. Is
>there a way around that? What's the sense of having LS (or file
>readers I've seen) without a pager anyway?
ls is probably aliased to 'ls --color=tty' or something similar.  There 
are a couple ways to specify that you only want the color control codes 
when standard output is a terminal device, as it might screw up some 
script or program that reads its input.  When you pipe the output to a 
pager, ls only knows that it's not being output to a terminal device and 
so it doesn't do the color thing.  You can change this by using 
--color=always.  Note that this has the potential to cause problems with 
programs reading the output, so if you ever have weird problems, you 
might look at changing it back.

Anyway, hope that helps a bit, and have fun!


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