On Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 01:23:38PM -0700, Daniel wrote:

> I've got the kernel installed and it works fine with
> ppp built into the kernel...but how does a RH user
> get online to get the bloody packages to install...:)

> p.s. I'm being forced to use WinXP to write this from 
> my other machine...

Get the source packages with the WinXP box and put them in
/usr/portage/distfiles on the gentoo box.

You can find out what source packages you need by reading the
ebuild scripts or with emerge, for example, ppp:

# emerge -f ppp
Calculating dependencies ...done!
>>> emerge net-dialup/ppp-2.4.1-r8 to /

>>> Downloading 
           => `/usr/portage/distfiles/ppp-2.4.1-pppoe4.tgz'
Resolving www.ibiblio.org...

So you would dl that file and put it /usr/portage/distfiles on the
gentoo box.


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