I don't believe that people are by nature evil but have an existential (being human) 
anxiety over their free 
choice. People learn to be bad because they accept what they hear without questioning 

I thought the Internet was a type of anarchy and would eventually make the government 

btw: I am a diabled veteran but that alone does not qualify me anymore than any other 


7/16/2002 6:55:03 PM, "Bob Crandell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>You're talking about changing human nature.  People are evil.  People twist and
>break things and hurt themselves and others.  That's why you can't point to a human
>designed system that is working as it should.
>Blaming Capitalism, Socialism or whateverism only clouds the issue.  The answer?
>Change human nature.  And there's only one way to do that.
>Have a nice day.
>Dexter Graphic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
>>> Hey Dexter,
>>> If you don't like the way it is here, Move!!!
>>> I will not justify it to anyone.
>>> Ron
>>Where could I go? Some third world dictatorship propped
>>up by US aid so that corporations can strip the land of
>>natural resources and exploit the people for cheap labor?
>>I'd just become a field slave rather than a house slave.
>>Capitalism has its tentacles everywhere. There is no way
>>of escaping it. All attempts throughout history to set
>>up an alternative social system based on brotherly love
>>and an equitable sharing of the earth's bounty have been
>>violently crushed by a power hungry elite who felt that
>>it should all belong to them (with the support of those
>>who were willing to kill and enslave their brothers in
>>order to get a share of the loot.) The lowest element has
>>gained power and set up a system to maintain that power.
>>There is no running away from evil, it must be overcome
>>by the power of good: personal honesty, integrity, and
>>creativity. I will stay and fight for the working people
>>of this country and every other against the injustice,
>>lies, and brutality of capitalism (legalized plunder.)
>>So help me God,
>>Dexter Graphic
>Bob Crandell
>Assured Computing
>When you need to be sure.
>Cell 541-914-3985
>FAX  240-371-7237
>Eugene, Or. 97402
Landscapes of the Mind

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