Yeah, general elections are coming up, and they're a lot more
important than EUGLUG.  But your vote will definitely count in the
EUGLUG polls -- we have no smoke-filled back rooms, no gerrymandering,
no multimillion dollar propaganda campaigns, and no paid signature
collectors.  (But I'm willing to explore bribery -- make your
checks payable to... (-: )

Rob and Beaker put up a new poll on the EUGLUG web site, listing some
newbie track presentation topics we're thinking about doing.  Our plan
is to do one newbie presentation each month through the winter and
spring, but we need to know what topics are of greatest interest.

If you're a newbie, or if you know a newbie, or if you were a newbie
once, take a second and vote for the topics that would most interest
your inner newbie.

And if there is a topic you'd like to see, but it isn't listed, send
some mail to me or to this list.

The URL is...

Go there.  Now.

Bob Miller                              K<bob>
kbobsoft software consulting                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eug-LUG mailing list

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