
If you're just trying now, beware efn just changed the mail server and it
might not have propagated to your local DNS server.  You should be trying
to connect to pop.efn.org, which should resolve to

Thanks Larry for helping me understand this!


On 09/20/03 10am, Timothy Bolz wrote:
> I've heard about fetchmail for years and finally read something about it.  
> >From what from what it sounds like it will fetchs you mail every so often. 
> How often does it get the e-mail?  I use kmail and I have to press the 
> download button every time I want my mail. It looks like it's pretty simple 
> just set up an .fetchmailrc file with some script in it.  Will it know what 
> directory my mail goes in?  I've tried the command line of fetchmail 
> "fetchmail -k -s -u  myusername efn.org" it gives the following.
> Enter password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
> IMAP connection to efn.org failed: Connection refused
> POP3 connection to efn.org failed: Connection refused
> fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
> Any Idea's?
> Thanks
> Tim 
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