I changed mine from the default to opening a new tab, entering all 
this on one line in the preferences:

ps x |grep -q '[m]ozilla' && mozilla -remote "openURL(%s, new-tab)" 
 || mozilla "%s"

On 10/08/03 01pm, Bob Miller wrote:
> I recently discovered something cool in KDE.  Some of you already
> know this, some of you don't care, some of you don't use KDE, but
> maybe there's one or two of you who will find this helpful. (-:
> If you launch klipper, aka Cut 'n' Paste History, then whenever you
> make a text selection that happens to be a URL (starts with http:// or
> https://) then a menu pops up in the lower right corner of your
> screen and lets you select from several browsers to open that URL.
> We already knew that.  (Some of us did.  Maybe.)
> Today's tip is, that menu also has keyboard shortcuts.  For example,
> just type, 'M' to open the URL in Mozilla.  That saves you the trouble
> of dragging the cursor all the way down to the very corner of the
> screen, then lining it up on a little bitty menu item.  (My mousing
> skills aren't good.  I have trouble selecting menu items quickly.  I
> have trouble double-clicking too.)
> I've always found klipper to be a handy thing.  Now that I know about
> its keyboard shortcuts, I like it even better.
> Some people don't care for klipper.  I'm no missionary* -- if you
> don't like it, right-click** its icon in the panel (it looks like a
> clipboard with a K), and select Quit from the pop-up.  Then say No
> when it asks whether it should start automatically.
> We hope you have enjoyed Today's KDE Tip.
> * I'm a Linux missionary, but not a Klipper missionary.
> ** Technically, that should be "button-3-click", for the Lefties.
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