Hmm, I went looking for one a while back and kept getting bogged down in's atrocious website.

and they are using the sco approach to making friends

I'm thinking your best bet may be to aim for a pipeline of the format

.ram -> .wav -{sox}-> .mp3

You will have to look pretty hard for a copy of RealPlayer G2
especially since this link
redirects to here

once you do find a copy of the app, you'll need to stick it into the matrix and force it to
dump it's output to a file,

you'll then need to determine exactly what type of audio file you've produced.

At that point it gets easier because you can feed it to sox

Oh yeah, and you'll prolly be violatin' the DCMA if you do so.

And please folks,
don't give money to
don't give pageviews to them
write polite but firm emails to media outlets that only make their content available in their formats
mercilessly mock people who use use their product

This is a company that wants to own your eyes and ears, don't give them any help.

On Monday, October 27, 2003, at 07:32 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Does anyone know of a simple Unixish command-line tool for
converting .ram sound files to either .mp3 or .ogg?
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