I've nearly derailed in the past, by such proliferation, but only when I
tried to use both Ximian's tree and Apt-rpm's... I had to choose one or
the other to get my main system updates, primarily because Ximian does
indeed release their own package tree -- in my case, most of my Gnome
binaries got replaced by .ximian-named packages.  Apt-rpm and up2dat
have played fine together, in my experience... since apt-rpm uses the
same (well days older) trees; although they do have some other branches
that are cooler, but those don't cause conflict with up2date since
up2date doesn't know anything about a quake3 or multi-gnome-terminal
binary RPM!!



PS - I know what you're saying about the lack of warm fuzzies, though. 
I was just discussing the eventual migration of our linux workstations
to debian, at work... 

On Mon, 17 Nov 2003 10:53:55 -0800
Bob Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| Ben Barrett wrote:
| > I know I might [now] get slammed for not using "yum" [yet], and
| > maybe I'll be promoting it soon, but I'm still enjoying apt-get
| > (apt-rpm) on redhat... there's a nice apt GUI tool call synaptic,
| > which I'm sure some debian users know.  It's real nice  = )
| I'm not getting warm fuzzies about the proliferation of package
| managers that TDFKAR (The Distribution Formerly Known As RedHat) is
| using.  Package management and version synchronization is hard enough
| without introducing three different package managers all with slightly
| different semantics and slightly different sets of packages available.
| I predict a train wreck.
| -- 
| Bob Miller                              K<bob>
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