It's definately defined elsewhere. It looks like it's trying to be a wrapper for

But before it opens the window, it's probably referencing some objects that only exist in the IE DOM. In Firebird, pull up the JavaScript console (Tools -> JavaScript Console) and then visit the page in question, try to do what ever it is calls that function. The console should tell you what's wrong.

If you want more help, you should probably post the actual function code, the call itself is rather useless as far as providing information on what's going wrong.


Ben Barrett wrote:
Is pop_me_up2 defined somewhere?  Did you pull it from a web page where
it is defined?  (or is it a built-in function?)


On 20 Nov 2003 08:28:15 -0800 Dirk Ouellette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| javascript:pop_me_up2('/videopages/2003/11/20/international/20031120T
| URK-VIDEO.1.ready.html','600450','width=600,height=450,scrollbars=yes
| ,toolbars=no,resizable=yes');

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